Your attorney will assist you in this process.
How do I Leave a Legacy: The most important step is making the decision to include the St. Louis Missouri Veterans Home in your will or trust. Speak with your attorney to discuss your options and formalize your wishes. If you have already made arrangements for your will, know that your request can be added at your discretion.
If you decide the make a bequest to the STL Veterans Home Assistance League, the following language and legal terms may be helpful to share with your attorney:
“I give and bequeath to the STL Veterans Home Assistance League, 10600 Lewis & Clark Blvd, ST. Louis, MO 63136, Attn: Rosemarie Hauck, the amount $______, or the following described property, to wit: ______ of ______ percent of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.

Your will is an excellent instrument for your legacy to be carried out.

You can contribute to development and upkeep of the MVH.